Monumenta Nipponica Volume 16, Number 3/4, 1961
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 221–62Sesshū and His MastersFernando G. Gutiérrez
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 263–88Origins of Japanese Academic EconomicsJ. F. Bell
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 289–376The Rakuyōshū (Part 1)Don Clifford Bailey
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 395–401Armaduras Japonesas en la Real Armería de MadridKiichi Matsuda
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 402–406The Case for MatsuokaKimitada I. Miwa
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 407–33Kirishitan-Literatur der NachkriegszeitHubert Cieslik
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 434–47In Memoriam: Frank Hawley (1906–1961)Robert Hans van Gulik
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 448–49Meiji-Teki Shisōka-Zō no Keisei-Nishida Tetsugaku Seiritsu-Shi to Shisō-Shi Hōhōron No Mondai (The Formation of the Meiji Type of Thinkers: History of the Formation of Nishida’s Philosophy and Problems of Methodology on the History of Thought) by Miyajima HajimeGino K. Piovesana
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 449–51Nihongata Shisō no Genzō (The Prototype of Japanese Thought) by Yamada MunemutsuGino K. Piovesana
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 451–60Nihon no Shisō (Japanese Thought) by Maruyama MasaoWilliam H. Brown
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 460–63Tōjō and the Coming of the War by Robert J. C. ButowJohn McKechney
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 463–65The Modern Japanese Banking System by Hubert F. SchifferJohn Lynch
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 465–67Folk Legends of Japan by Richard M. DorsonFanny Hagin Mayer
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 467Trades and Crafts of Old Japan. Leaves from a Contemporary Album by Eric A. KaemmererWilhelm Schiffer
MN 16:3/4 (1961) 469–70Fūga by Yokogawa KiichirōRobert Hans van Gulik