Monumenta Nipponica Volume 15, Number 3/4, 1959
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 209–24In Memoriam: Fr. Johannes Laures, S. J. (1891–1959)Hubert Cieslik
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 225–56Japanese Art Lacquers (Part 2)U. A. Casal
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 257–333Die japanische Arbeiterbewegung: Ihre Struktur und ihr Standort im sozialen Umbruch der GegenwartTheodor Jaeckel
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 334–49Consanguineous Marriages in Feudal JapanSadao Sugiyama and William J. Schull
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 350–79La Primera Biblioteca de los Jesuitas en el Japón (1556): Su contenido y su influenciaJesús López Gay
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 380–414Die Kirche von ChikugoJohannes Laures
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 425–40Das Buch Genjōkōan: Aus dem Shōbōgenzō des Zen-Meisters DōgenHeinrich Dumoulin
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 432–40Das Buch GenjōkōanDōgen, Translated by Heinrich Dumoulin
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 441The Transactions of the Asiatic Society. Third Series, Vol. 7 by The Asiatic Society of JapanWilhelm Schiffer
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 447Tōnan Ajia-Shi Kenkyū I (Studies in the History of Southeast Asia) by Sugimoto NaojirōWilhelm Schiffer
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 451–56The Making of the Meiji Constitution. The Oligarchs and the Constitutional Development of Japan, 1868–1891 by George M. BeckmannTsugio Fujita
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 456–59Fremde Einflüsse im Modernen Japanischen Recht by Wilhelm RöhlIwao Hoshii
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 459–60Leftwing Social Movements in Japan: An Annotated Bibliography by Cecil H. UyeharaD. C. S. Sissons
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 460–61A History of the Catholic Church in Japan. From its Beginning to the Early Meiji Period (1549–1873) by Joseph JennesHubert Cieslik
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 461–63Zen: Geschichte und Gestalt by Heinrich DumoulinHajime Nakamura
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 463–64Geschichte der Chinesischen Literatur by Eugen FeifelWilhelm Schiffer
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 464–66Japanese Lacquer Ware by Tomio YoshinoU. A. Casal
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 466–68Japanese Prints, from the Early Masters to the Modern by James A. Michener, Richard LaneJoseph P. Love
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 468–70Hiroshige by Walter Exner, Werner SpeiserJoseph P. Love
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 470–71Japanese Music and Musical Instruments by William P. MalmRobert Garfias
MN 15:3/4 (1959) 472–74The Japanese Names of the Morse & The Narwhal by Frank HawleyRichard C. Rudolph