Monumenta Nipponica Volume 13, Number 1/2, 1957
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 1–38Letters of Homer Crane Blake Concerning His Naval Expedition to China, Japan and Korea: 1869–1872Boleslaw Szczesniak
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 39–66Veränderungen der japanischen Sozialstruktur nach dem zweiten WeltkriegKarl F. Zahl
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 67–82The Role of the Ukiyo-Zōshi IllustratorHoward S. Hibbett
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 83–100Textkritische Untersuchungen zum Daidōruijuhō (Part 1)Otto Karow
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 101–27Yasen Kanna: A Chat on a Boat in the EveningR. D. M. Shaw and Wilhelm Schiffer
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 129–52Honchō-shinsen-denHermann Bohner
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 153–62Modern Japanese Religions: Their Success ExplainedBaiyū Watanabe
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 163–65The Jesuit Mission Press in JapanJohannes Laures
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 166Japan Bibliographic Annual 1957 by Katsuji YabukiWilhelm Schiffer
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 172–73Waga Kuni Minkan-Shinkō-Shi no Kenkyū (Studien zur Geschichte japanischen Volksglaubens) by Hori Ichirō; Kōshin Shinkō (Der Kōshin-Glaube) by Kubo NoritadaL. S. Itō
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 173–74Franz Xaver. Sein Leben und Seine Zeit. Erster Band: Europa 1506–1541 by Georg SchurhammerJohannes Laures
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 174–75Japan Company Directory by The Oriental EconomistHubert F. Schiffer
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 175–76The Arts of Japan: An Illustrated History by Hugo MunsterbergJoseph P. Love
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 176–77Kōdansha Library of Japanese Art. No. 9: Utagawa Toyokuni by Sadao Kikuchi, Roy Andrew MillerJoseph P. Love
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 177–80Anthology of Japanese Literature From the Earliest Era to the Mid-nineteenth Century by Donald Keene; Modern Japanese Literature From 1868 to the Present Day by Donald KeeneJoseph Roggendorf
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 180–81Siddham. An Essay on the History of Sanskrit Studies in China and Japan by R. H. van GulikWilhelm Schiffer
MN 13:1/2 (1957) 181–82Tanuma Okitsugu (1719–1788). Forerunner of Modern Japan by John Whitney HallWilhelm Schiffer