Score of Gagaku. Japanese Classical Court Music by Sukehiro ShibaEta Harich-SchneiderMN 12:3/4 (1956) pp. 324–29 → Kokonchomonshu des Tachibana Narisue als Musikgeschichtliche Quelle by Hans EckardtKodansha Library of Japanese Art. No. 4: Yokoyama Taikan by Seiroku Noma, Meredith Weatherby; No. 5: Kitagawa Utamaro by Ichitaro Kondo, Charles S. Terry; No. 6: Tawaraya Sotatsu by Ichimatsu Tanaka, Elise Grilli; No. 7: Suzuki Harunobu by Ichitaro Kondo, Kaoru Ogimi