Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
MN 79:1 (2024) 1–31Revisiting The Soil: Nagatsuka Takashi, Rural Japan, and the Limits of the Meiji NovelTyler Walker
MN 79:1 (2024) 33–82Overcoming Modernity, Exonerating Empire: Yoshimitsu Yoshihiko and the Ironies of Early Shōwa CatholicismChristopher T. Lough
MN 79:1 (2024) 83–88Networks of Faith and Profit: Monks, Merchants, and Exchanges between China and Japan, 839–1403 CE by Yiwen LiRobert Borgen
MN 79:1 (2024) 88–90A New History of Medieval Japanese Theatre: Noh and Kyōgen from 1300 to 1600 by Noel John PinningtonSusan Blakeley Klein
MN 79:1 (2024) 91–94A Year in Seventeenth-Century Kyoto: Edo-Period Writings on Annual Ceremonies, Festivals, and Customs by Gerald GroemerTimothy D. Amos
MN 79:1 (2024) 95–101Writing Violence: The Politics of Form in Early Modern Japanese Literature by David C. AthertonRebekah Clements
MN 79:1 (2024) 101–107Specialty Food, Market Culture, and Daily Life in Early Modern Japan: Regulating and Deregulating the Market in Edo, 1780–1870 by Akira ShimizuJoshua Schlachet
MN 79:1 (2024) 108–14Provincializing Empire: Ōmi Merchants in the Japanese Transpacific Diaspora by Jun UchidaMartin Dusinberre
MN 79:1 (2024) 114–21Japan’s Ocean Borderlands: Nature and Sovereignty by Paul KreitmanWilliam M. Tsutsui
MN 79:1 (2024) 122–25How Dark Is My Flower: Yosano Akiko and the Invention of Romantic Love by Leith MortonClaire Dodane
MN 79:1 (2024) 125–30Tōhoku Unbounded: Regional Identity and the Mobile Subject in Prewar Japan by Anne Giblin GedachtAnthony Rausch
MN 79:1 (2024) 130–35Imperial Gateway: Colonial Taiwan and Japan’s Expansion in South China and Southeast Asia, 1895–1945 by Seiji ShiraneFang Yu Hu
MN 79:1 (2024) 135–41Spawning Modern Fish: Transnational Comparison in the Making of Japanese Salmon by Heather Anne SwansonAike P. Rots
MN 79:1 (2024) 141–47Women in Japanese Studies: Memoirs from a Trailblazing Generation ed. Alisa FreedmanLaura Hein
MN 79:1 (2024) 147–53The Time of Laughter: Comedy and the Media Cultures of Japan by David HumphreyM. W. Shores
MN 79:1 (2024) 153–62Studio Ghibli: An Industrial History by Rayna DenisonSteve Alpert
MN 79:1 (2024) 162–66Spiritual Ends: Religion and the Heart of Dying in Japan by Timothy O. BenedictJason Danely
MN 78:2 (2023) 157–87Before the Storm: A Transrealm History of the Decades Leading Up to the First Mongol Invasion of JapanLina Nie
MN 78:2 (2023) 189–221Traces of Truth: Chūgan Engetsu’s KonhōronBrendan Arkell Morley
MN 78:2 (2023) 223–30Conjuring Up Prehistory: Landscape and the Archaic in Japanese Nationalism by Mark J. HudsonSimon Kaner
MN 78:2 (2023) 230–33Reading Medieval Ruins: Urban Life and Destruction in Sixteenth-Century Japan by Morgan PitelkaMark J. Hudson
MN 78:2 (2023) 233–39Interactions between Rivals: The Christian Mission and Buddhist Sects in Japan (c. 1549–c. 1647) ed. Alexandra Curvelo, Angelo CattaneoFrederik Cryns
MN 78:2 (2023) 239–46A Path into the Mountains: Shugendō and Mount Togakushi by Caleb Swift CarterAndrea Castiglioni
MN 78:2 (2023) 246–49Memory, Music, Manuscripts: The Ritual Dynamics of “Kōshiki” in Japanese Sōtō Zen by Michaela MrossFabio Rambelli
MN 78:2 (2023) 249–54Imagery of the Orchid Pavilion Gathering: Visualizing Tokugawa Cultural Networks by Kazuko Kameda-MadarChantal Weber
MN 78:2 (2023) 254–58Demarcating Japan: Imperialism, Islanders, and Mobility, 1855–1884 by Takahiro YamamotoRobert Hellyer
MN 78:2 (2023) 258–62Seeds of Control: Japan’s Empire of Forestry in Colonial Korea by David FedmanChia-Li Chu and Kuang-Chi Hung
MN 78:2 (2023) 262–67Discovering Women’s Voices: The Lives of Modern Japanese Silk Mill Workers in Their Own Words by Sandra SchaalChristina Ghanbarpour
MN 78:2 (2023) 267–73Science for Governing Japan’s Population by Aya HomeiOsamu Saito
MN 78:2 (2023) 273–79Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan by Sabine FrühstückJan Bardsley
MN 78:2 (2023) 279–84Comics and the Origins of Manga: A Revisionist History by Eike ExnerGeorge T. Sipos
MN 78:2 (2023) 284–89Making Audiences: A Social History of Japanese Cinema and Media by Hideaki FujikiRea Amit
MN 78:2 (2023) 289–92The Curious Case of the Camel in Modern Japan: (De) Colonialism, Orientalism, and Imagining Asia by Ayelet ZoharAsato Ikeda
MN 78:1 (2023) 1–89Timeless Todays in a Changing World: A Translation of Fujiwara no Nobuzane’s Ima monogatariErin L. Brightwell
MN 78:1 (2023) 35–89Today’s TalesNobuzane Fujiwara-no, Translated by Erin L. Brightwell
MN 78:1 (2023) 91–96Cultural Imprints: War and Memory in the Samurai Age ed. Elizabeth Oyler and Katherine Saltzman-LiVyjayanthi R. Selinger
MN 78:1 (2023) 96–101Precepts, Ordinations, and Practice in Medieval Japanese Tendai by Paul GronerBrian D. Ruppert
MN 78:1 (2023) 101–106Faith in Mount Fuji: The Rise of Independent Religion in Early Modern Japan by Janine Anderson SawadaFumiko Miyazaki
MN 78:1 (2023) 106–109Agents of World Renewal: The Rise of “Yonaoshi” Gods in Japan by Takashi MiuraReinhard Zöllner
MN 78:1 (2023) 109–12Printed and Painted: The Meiji Art of Ogata Gekkō (1859–1920) by Amy Reigle Newland
MN 78:1 (2023) 112–18In Close Association: Local Activist Networks in the Making of Japanese Modernity, 1868–1920 by Marnie S. Anderson
MN 78:1 (2023) 118–21Language, Nation, Race: Linguistic Reform in Meiji Japan (1868–1912) by Atsuko Ueda
MN 78:1 (2023) 121–26A Fictional Commons: Natsume Sōseki and the Properties of Modern Literature by Michael K. BourdaghsJ. Keith Vincent
MN 78:1 (2023) 126–33Confluence and Conflict: Reading Transwar Japanese Literature and Thought by Brian Hurley
MN 78:1 (2023) 133–36Wings for the Rising Sun: A Transnational History of Japanese Aviation by Jürgen P. Melzer
MN 78:1 (2023) 136–41Dissecting the Danchi: Inside Japan’s Largest Postwar Housing Experiment by Tatiana KnorozLaura Neitzel
MN 78:1 (2023) 141–44Dream Super-Express: A Cultural History of the World’s First Bullet Train by Jessamyn R. AbelMiriam L. Kingsberg Kadia
MN 78:1 (2023) 144–47The Comic Storytelling of Western Japan: Satire and Social Mobility in Kamigata Rakugo by M. W. ShoresAaron Gerow