Monumenta Nipponica Volume 20, Number 1/2, 1965
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 1–14Yano Fumio: Meiji Intellectual, Party Leader, and BureaucratJoyce C. Lebra
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 15–40The Japanese University Student Confronts Religion (Part 1)A. M. Nebreda
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 41–63Kitamura Tōkoku: Final EssaysFrancis Mathy
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 64–80Lighthouses and the Yatoi Experience of R. H. BruntonKieran M. Rohan
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 81–120Two Japanese White Papers: Basic-Research Expenditure and Foreign TechnologyJosé M. Abad
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 209–20Young Business Executives and Japan’s Economic DevelopmentIchirō Hattori
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 221–28A Descriptive-Comparative Note on Verb Transitivity in English and JapaneseIkuo Koike
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 229–31Hikaku Shisō Ron (Comparative Thought) by Nakamura Hajime; Nihon Shūkyō no Kindaisei. (Modernity in Japanese Religion) by Nakamura HajimeShin’ichi Takayanagi
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 231–34Yōgaku Shi Kenkyū Josetsu. Yōgaku to Hōken Kenryoku (Introductory Studies on Western Learning. Western Learning and Feudal Power) by Satō ShōsukeShin’ichi Takayanagi
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 234–36The World of the Shining Prince. Court Life in Ancient Japan by Ivan MorrisCharles Bracelen Flood
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 236–38The Gossamer Years. A Diary by a Noblewoman of Ancient Japan by Edward SeidenstickerCharles Bracelen Flood
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 238–40El Archivo del Japon. Vicisitudes del Archivo Jesuitico del Oriente y Descripción del Fondo Existente en la Real Academia de la Historia de Madrid by Josef Franz SchütteArcadio Schwade
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 240–45The Economic Challenge to Japan by Iwao HoshiiJosé M. Abad
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 245–48A Financial History of Modern Japan by T. F. M. AdamsJosé M. Abad
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 248–49The Wonderful World of Netsuke by Raymond Bushell; This is Kendo by Junzo Sasamori, Gorden WarnerKieran M. Rohan
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 249–50A Symposium on Land Use and Mineral Deposits in Hongkong, Southern China, and South-East Asia by S. G. DavisJosé M. Abad
MN 20:1/2 (1965) 250–52Asian Perspectives. Vol. VII (1–2) Summer-Winter 1963.John E. Frisch