Founded in 1938 and published semiannually by Sophia University
Monumenta Nipponica Volume 12, Number 3/4 (1956)
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 169In Memoriam: Fr. Hans Müller, S.J., 1892–1956
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 171–94Higuchi IchiyōHisako Tanaka
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 195–240The Paekchŏng of Korea: A Brief Social HistoryHerbert Passin
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 241–68The World Conception of Chu Tao-sheng (Part 2)Walter Liebenthal
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 299–308Russian Knowledge of Japanese Geography During the Reign of Peter the Great. A Bibliographical NoteBoleslaw Szczesniak
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 309–10Japanese and Americans by Robert S. SchwantesWilliam A. Laney
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 310–12The Path of the Buddha. Buddhism interpreted by Buddhists by Kenneth W. MorganHeinrich Dumoulin
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 312–14Aspects du Bouddhisme. Tome II: Amida by Henri de LubacHeinrich Dumoulin
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 314–17Meiji Bunka-Shi 6: Shūkyō-Hen. (Cultural History of the Meiji Era, Vol. 6: Religion) by Kishimoto HideoWilhelm Schiffer
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 317Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche in Japan by Johannes LauresWilhelm Schiffer
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 318–20The Postwar Student Struggles in Japan by Lawrence H. BattistiniClaude Larre
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 320–21Luis Frois S.J., Kulturgegensätze Europa-Japan (1585). Kritische Ausgabe des portugiesischen Textes in der Biblioteca de la Académia de la Historia in Madrid by Luis Frois, Josef Franz SchütteM. Eder
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 321–22Western Enterprise in Far Eastern Economic Development. China and Japan by G. C. Allen, Audrey G. DonnithorneWilhelm Schiffer
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 322–23Modern Japanese Prints: An Art Reborn by Oliver Statler, James MichenerJoseph P. Love
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 323–24Kodansha Library of Japanese Art. No. 4: Yokoyama Taikan by Seiroku Noma, Meredith Weatherby; No. 5: Kitagawa Utamaro by Ichitaro Kondo, Charles S. Terry; No. 6: Tawaraya Sotatsu by Ichimatsu Tanaka, Elise Grilli; No. 7: Suzuki Harunobu by Ichitaro Kondo, Kaoru OgimiJoseph P. Love
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 324–29Score of Gagaku. Japanese Classical Court Music by Sukehiro ShibaEta Harich-Schneider
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 330–33Das Kokonchomonshu des Tachibana Narisue als Musikgeschichtliche Quelle by Hans EckardtEta Harich-Schneider
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 333–34Contes de Pluie et de Lune by Ueda Akinari, René SieffertPaul Kiyoshi Kurata
MN 12:3/4 (1956) 335–38T’ang-Yin-Pi-Shih.”Parallel Cases From Under the Peartree.” A 13th century manual of jurisprudence and detection by R. H. van GulikE. J. M. Kroker