日本学術会議が第25・26期会員候補として推薦した 105 名のうち 6 名を、内閣総理大臣が任命しなかったことが2020年10月1日の報道によって明らかになりました。この任命拒否という決定は、本日の段階でも撤回されるどころか、「総合的、俯瞰的見地」という全く不明瞭と言わざるを得ない理由を付して維持されている状態にあります。




以上により、本研究所所員は、内閣総理大臣に対して、日本学術会議が去る8月 31 日付で推薦した会員候補者のうち、任命されていない 6 名の方の任命拒否を撤回して、すみやかに任命することを強く求めるべく、この声明文を公表するものです。

上智大学 グローバル・コンサーン研究所 所員一同

Statement on the Refusal to Appoint New Members to the Science Council

It was reported on October 1, 2020 that Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga did not appoint six scholars from among the one hundred and five nominated by the Science Council of Japan as candidates for Council Members of its 25th-26th terms. Even today, he upholds his decision to refuse to appoint these six scholars, claiming incomprehensibly that his decision was based on a "comprehensive, bird's-eye view perspective."

The Institute of Global Concern cannot accept such an infringement of academic freedom by the government.

Free, autonomous, self-governing academic communities serve as bulwarks that protect the freedom of thought of everyone in this society. The Institute of Global Concern aspires to protect human dignity on the basis of social justice and considers academic freedom to be an indispensable condition for us to be freed from fear and violence, and build a peaceful and fair society.

Based on Article 23 of the Japanese Constitution that guarantees academic freedom, the Science Council of Japan Law guarantees the independence of the Science Council in terms of its membership and the pursuit of its missions. It is, therefore, clear that the government's decision not to appoint the members nominated by the Science Council is against the law and the Constitution.

The Institute of Global Concern hereby issues this statement calling on Prime Minister Suga to swiftly revoke his decision to refuse to appoint the six scholars and to appoint all the candidates that the Science Council nominated on August 31, 2020.

The Institute of Global Concern, Sophia University