Publicaciones | Iberoamericana

Vol.42 Número Especial (2020) [No.83]

<Asia and Latin America: New Development in Interregional Relations>

Preface / Takeshi KISHIKAWA


China’s Policy toward Latin America: Discourse and Reality in the 21st Century / Yasuhiro MATSUDA

Brazilian Relation with China: Pragmatic Diplomacy with the Key Partner / Akiko KOYASU

How Has the Rise of China Affected Central America?: The Case of Costa Rica / Takeshi KISHIKAWA

The Chinese in the British West Indies and Their Regional Relationships, 1900–1949 / Setsuko SONODA

Who Else Will Harvest the Coffee?: Latino Migrants in the Kona Coffee Industry in Hawai’i / Mariko IIJIMA

Overpowering Competitor, NAFTA Alternative, or Potential Market?: China’s Impact on the Mexican Economy / Hiroyuki TANI

Reseña de Libro

Dussel Peters, Enrique and Armony, Ariel C., coords, Beyond Raw Materials: Who are the Actors in the Latin America and Caribbean – China Relationship? (Buenos Aires: Nueva Sociedad, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; México DF: Red Académica de América Latina y el Caribe sobre China; Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, Center of Latin American Studies, 2015), 221p. / Kodama OHBA

Editor’s Note