
166 Shinnyo-en 1996-2000 Support for training technical leaders involved in the Angkor Wat restoration project 1998-2002. Support for paying the tuition fees for two Cambodian graduate students (to obtain degrees). 1999-2001 Cambodia Oral Folktales and Narratives Project 2001-2006 Support for a 6-year plan for the special training of middle-management executives of Cambodia for Conservation and Restoration. 2007-2017 Project of Human Resources Development of the Angkor Archaeological Site International Research Team. Mitsubishi Foundation 1997-1999 Survey and Research of the Sambor Prei Kuk castle town of the pre-Angkor period of Cambodia. 2000-2001 Special training for Cambodian middle-management executives, two-year plan fund for the excavation of old kiln ruins. 2005-2007 Research on 274 excavated abandoned Buddhas, that rewrite the history of the end of the Angkor Dynasty. Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA) 2003-2006 Angkor Wat Environmental Education Project (Sophia University Off-Campus Joint Research Project). 2. Research Grants from Companies and Enterprises Toyo Engineering Corporation 1988-1998 1) Application of archaeological engineering (Thailand) 2) Application of archaeological engineering (Cambodia) 3) Survey materials for the survey team, training texts, survey reports 4) Expenses for sending employees to the Sophia University Survey Team from 1989 to 1998.

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