Date: 7-8 July, 2012
Venue: Meeting Room (AA447), Research Bldg. No. 2, Kyoto University

Organizers: AKAHORI Masayuki (SIAS), TONAGA Yasushi (KIAS), TAKAHASHI Kei (SIAS), IMAMATSU Yasushi (KIAS)
Secretary in Chief: ISHIDA Yuri (Kyoto University)
Supporting Staff: SEKI Kanako (Sophia University)

Commentators: Pierre-Jean LUIZARD (CNRS, France), Larisa USMANOVA (Kazan Federal University, Russia)


7 July, Sat.

13:00-13:30 Opening Session
13:30-14:30 Keynote Speech
Pierre-Jean LUIZARD
“Saints Veneration and Holy Portraits in Shia-Sunni Contexts”
14:30-14:45 Coffee Break

14:45-16:15 First Session
MARUYAMA Daisuke (Kyoto Univ.)
“Tolerance or Intolerance?: From the Confrontation between Sufi and Salafi in Mawlid al-Nabi”
ISHIDA Yuri (Kyoto Univ.)
“The Social Development Theory of Sh?h Wal? All?h”
ENDO Haruka (Kyoto Univ.)
“Perfect Man according to ‘Abd al-Wahh?b al-Sha‘r?n?: From the Ontological Point of View”
16:15-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-17:20 Second Session
MIYOKAWA Hiroko (Sophia Univ.)
“The Revival of Nayruz Festival in Modern Egypt”
17:20-17:30 Coffee Break

17:30-18:30 Third Session
YU Weixing (Sophia Univ.)
“The Role of ‘Ulama in the Modernization of Education in Egypt Late in the 19th Century: Focusing on Rifa‘a al-Tahtawi and Muhammad ‘Abduh”
Reem Ahmad (Sophia Univ.)
“The Role of Media in the Formation of the Image of Middle East and Muslims in Japan, and the Formation of Japan Image in the Middle East”

8 July, Sun.
9:00-10:30 Fourth Session
UCHIYAMA Akiko (Kyoto Univ.)
“Reviews of Former Studies on Sexuality of Iranian Women: From the Perspective of ‘Strategy’ in Everyday Life”
Ousmanou ADAMA (Nagoya Univ.)
“Maitatsine, Islamic Brotherhood or Political Party in Northern Cameroon and Nigeria.”
SEKI Kanako (Sophia Univ.)
“A Consideration of “The Rif Nationalism”: in Relation with the Rebellion of ‘Abd al-Kar?m”
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-11:45 Fifth Session
Francisco ANTO (Sophia Univ.)
“Indonesian NU and Khittah 1926: Questioning the Role of NU in the “Reformasi” Era”
KUSHIMOTO Hiroko (Sophia Univ.)
“Culture of Islamic Learning in Contemporary Malaysia: the Role of Traditional Elements”
11:45-12:05 General Comments by Pierre-Jean LUIZARD & Larisa USMANOVA
12:05-12:15 Concluding Session