Vol. 50 2015

Bulletin of the Faculty of Foreign Studies ISSN 0288-1918

Published March 10, 2016 (not for sale)


 “A Prophetic Voice? Re-reading Oe Kenzaburo’s The Pinch Runner Memorandum in “Post” 3.11 Japan”…Christopher ISHERWOOD

 “A Late-Meiji Japanese Perception of American Social Reform in Hokubei Yuki and Family School for the Delinquent Youth”…OSHIO Kazuto

 “Womanly tropes in Japanese fixed collocations”…Gabrielle PIGGIN

 “SHUGOKOKKARON(4) (Abhandlung über Schutz und Sicherheit des Staatswesens)”…Jörg MAUZ

 “Bataille, Foucault : deux regards philosophiques sur la « modernité » de Manet”…Hervé COUCHOT

 “Les enjeux de la fin de vie et de la mort dans la dignité au Japon : Une réflexion au miroir du cas français”…DATE Kiyonobu

 “Los impresos de Vanegas Arroyo y la gente humilde de la capital”…Nina HASEGAWA

 “La historiografía oficial en la España del siglo XVI”…UCHIMURA Shunta

 “Взаимосвязь между Тамарой из поэмы «Демон» и одноименной героиней из баллады «Тамара»”…INOUE Yukiyoshi

 “Роль диктантов в обучении японских студентов русскому языку”…Svetlana LATYSHEVA

 “Corpo e riso: duas experiências teatrais lusófonas e a crise de identidade”…Mauro NEVES

Research Notes

 “A História e a Atual Situação das Comunidades dos Descendentes Portugueses na Ásia – casos em Macau, em Malaca e em Sri Lanka -“…NAITO Rika

  Graduation Research Paper titles for the 2015 academic year