Lisa Fairbrother (リサ フェアブラザー) 教授

学歴 Academic background

B.A. Hons. Oxford University, U.K. (Modern History)
M.A. Chiba University, Japan (Teaching Japanese as a Second Language)
Ph.D. Chiba University, Japan (Japan Studies: Sociolinguistics)

専門分野 Academic interests

Primarily, I’m interested in how people interact and communicate with people from different backgrounds. I'm particularly interested in problems relating to language and communication occurring in real-life intercultural contact situations and how people manage those problems. I’m also interested in how interactions are influenced by socio-cultural, economic, political and ideological forces.

I use Language Management Theory (Jernudd & Neustupný 1987) extensively in my research and I have investigated a wide range of contexts, including the management of 'foreignness' (including perceptions of ethnic and racial difference), the management of language and power in intercultural interactions, the management of English as a lingua franca (i.e. between two non-native speakers of English), the management of language and communication in multilingual workplaces in Japan and the management of Japanese students studying at universities overseas. I am also currently researching English language policy in Japan and its relationship to issues of native-speakerism.

担当科目 Courses provided at Department of English Studies

Cultures of the English-Speaking World (英米文化入門)

In Cultures of the English-Speaking World, a compulsory course for first-year students, we learn about the cultures and societies of countries where English is used as an official language. We investigate how people in the English-speaking world think about and act towards particular issues, and why they do so. Students are encouraged to conduct their own research, relating to their interests, and present their findings to the class.

Intercultural Interaction and the Sociolinguistics Seminar

Intercultural Interaction and the Sociolinguistics Seminar are the two specialized courses related most closely to my research interests. In both courses, we look at how language and communication are related to the broader social context and we examine how and why particular language and communication-related problems arise. In both of these courses, students conduct their own research projects relating to their individual interests and analyse samples of actual language use and/or interaction.

主な著書、その他 Publications, Others



Fairbrother, L., M. Sloboda & J. Nekvapil (Eds.) (2018). The language management approach: A special focus on research methodology. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Fairbrother, L. (2015). The ‘multiform’ linguistic, sociolinguistic and sociocultural practices of plurilingual employees in European multinationals in Japan. The Japanese Journal of Language in Society, 18(1), 162-175.

Fairbrother, L. (2015). Language management in the Japanese workplace. In W. Davis & E. Ziegler (Eds.), Language planning and microlinguistics: From policy to interaction and vice versa (pp. 186-203). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Fairbrother, L. (2015). The management of language and power in intercultural contact situations in Japan. The International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 232, 59-78.

Fairbrother, L. (2011). Unveiling ‘invisible’ conflict signals in a Japanese-Chinese interaction. Sophia Linguistica. The Graduate School of Languages and Linguistics, Linguistic Institute for International Communication, Sophia University.

Fairbrother, L. (2009). Native speakers’ application of contact norms in intercultural contact situations with English-speaking, Chinese-speaking and Portuguese-speaking non-native speakers of Japanese. In J. Nekvapil &T. Sherman (Eds.) Language management in situations of intercultural contact. Prague Papers on Language, Society and Interaction Series. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

フェアブラザー、L. (2009).「媒介言語としての英語の実際使用場面」木村護郎クリストフ・渡辺克義編『媒介言語論を学ぶ人のために』世界思想社 [Fairbrother, L. (2009). Actual use of English as a lingua franca. In G. Kimura & K. Watanabe (Eds.), For those who study languages as a lingua franca. Kyoto: Sekaishisosha].

Fairbrother, L. (2000). Analysis of Intercultural Interaction Management within a Party Situation. Tokugawa Munemasa prize article (Sep. 2001) The Japanese Journal of Language in Society, 2(2), 33-42.

メッセージ Message

I’m a contributor to the Australian sociolinguistics website, Language on the Move (, which deals with the most current issues relating to intercultural communication, particularly migration.

I also edit dictionaries for 小学館, write English textbook stories for 数研出版and am the mother of two children at elementary school.